Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Is this Snoop Dogg?"

I was writing a different post with Letterman on in the background, and got distracted.  He had Snoop Dogg on who is now referred to as Snoop Lion and is in the process of working on becoming a Rastafarian.  It reminded me of a trip I took to Jamaica a long time ago with my girlfriend for like 10 days. We stayed at the Rock Cliffs Hotel in Negril, and I had hooked up with these young guys who had a little carving shop down the street from there.  Each day I would go hang out with them for a while in the morning and we would talk about random stuff.  Mostly they just asked me questions about whatever was on their minds or things they had heard of since I was obviously a traveler and they spent most of their time hanging around their shop hustling tourists.  I noticed that when I would see in the evenings, after I had spent some money on vacation supplies with them, that they would have brand new american style gear on.  I asked them about this and they told me that they spent all their profits on new clothes.  They also told me I should go back to America, fill up a bunch of suit cases, and fly back and we could all be rich.  This lead to many conversations where they would ask me what was cool for rappers like Snoop Dogg to wear and stuff like that.

Somehow, and I really don't remember how, I had found an NWA tape in the bag I had brought with me.  Can't really explain it since I definitely hadn't listened to it for years.  Anyways, I decided I would give the tape to them as a present on the day I left.  I walked down the street for the last time and put the tape in the main guy Squiggly's hand.

S: "Is this Snoop Dogg?"
Me: "No, it's Snoop Dogg's boys, it's better than Snoop Dogg"
(He looks noticeably upset that it isn't Snoop)
S: "Better than Snoop Dogg?  Snoop Dogg's friends?"
Me: "Yeah, his friends. This is the original, these guys are OG's"
S: "OG's?"
Me: "Original gangsters"
S: "Oh."
Me: "Yeah, OG's"
S: "Is Snoop Dogg OG's?"
Me: "Well no, but whatever just take the tape and listen to it, you'll like it, it's dope"
S: "Snoop Dogg's friends, OhhGee's, yaaah"

As I rode out of town I passed their shop and heard "Fuck the police...." blaring in the street and remembered why life is good.

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